
Fish are some of the most fascinating creatures to keep as pets. They come in a wide range of colours, shapes, and sizes, and offer a great way to add life and beauty to any aquarium. However, keeping fish healthy and happy requires more than just providing them with a clean, well-maintained tank. Just like any other pet, fish also enjoy treats from time to time. But what can fish eat as treats?

This article will explore seven different treats that are safe and healthy for fish, and provide some tips on how to incorporate them into your fish’s diet.

Live Foods

Live foods are a great way to provide some variety to your fish’s diet. Not only are they a great source of protein, but they can also help stimulate your fish’s natural hunting instincts. Some popular live foods for fish include:

1. Brine Shrimp

Brine shrimp are a popular choice for many fish species. They are small, easy to digest, and packed with nutrients. You can purchase brine shrimp from most pet stores, or even hatch your own at home using a brine shrimp hatchery kit.

2. Mosquito Larvae

Mosquito larvae are another great option for fish. They are small and easy to digest, and can be collected from any stagnant water source. However, be sure to collect them from a clean source to avoid introducing any harmful bacteria or parasites into your tank.

3. Daphnia

Daphnia are small, planktonic crustaceans that are rich in protein and other essential nutrients. They are easy to culture at home, and can be purchased from most pet stores as well.


While most fish are carnivores, some species do enjoy the occasional vegetable treat. Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and can help keep your fish’s digestive system healthy. Some popular vegetable treats for fish include:

4. Zucchini

Zucchini is a great vegetable treat for fish, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Simply slice a small piece of zucchini and blanch it in boiling water for a few minutes before feeding it to your fish.

5. Spinach

Spinach is another great vegetable option for fish. It is rich in iron and other essential nutrients, and can be fed to fish either raw or blanched.


While fish are not typically known for their love of fruit, some species do enjoy the occasional sweet treat. Fruits are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, and can help keep your fish’s immune system strong. Some popular fruit treats for fish include:

6. Watermelon

Watermelon is a great fruit treat for fish, as it is high in vitamins A and C, and contains a lot of water. Simply remove the seeds and slice a small piece of watermelon before feeding it to your fish.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is another great fruit option for fish. It is high in vitamin C and contains a lot of fibre, which can help keep your fish’s digestive system healthy. Simply slice a small piece of kiwi and remove the skin before feeding it to your fish.


There are a wide variety of treats that are safe and healthy for fish to eat. From live foods to vegetables and fruits, there are plenty of options to choose from. However, it’s important to remember that treats should only make up a small portion of your fish’s diet. The majority of their diet should come from a balanced commercial fish food that is appropriate for their species.

Are you a pet owner looking for quality fish products online? Look no further than PeekAPaw Pet Supplies! With competitive prices and excellent service, PeekAPaw is the perfect choice for all your pet needs. Don't wait any longer, shop PeekAPaw for your fish products online today!


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