Our Healthy Canned Dog Food packed full of New Zealand wholefood ingredients, our K9 Natural Canned Lamb & Salmon Feast is made from grass-fed, free-range meat, sustainably caught fish and provide the rich and nourishing proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids to assist a dog's natural anti-inflammatory responses and supports healthy skin, coat and joints. Needed to give your dog a natural source of energy to thrive.
Free from all gelling agents, the only other thing we add to our canned dog food is natural, New Zealand water for added hydration and provide the best blends of nature of nutrition for your dogs.. The grain-free, wholefood goodness of our complete diet in a convenient, easy to store, ready to use can.
BPA Free
Complete and Balanced Meal
For All Dogs and Life Stages
Feeding recommendations are a guide only as your individual dog’s requirements may vary +/- 50%. For an average small dog weighing approximately 5kg feed one 170g can per day. For an average medium dog weighing approximately 20kg, feed 1½ 370g cans per day. For puppy, pregnant or nursing mothers feed up to 2-3 times the adult amount per day.